Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Q & A

Q: When you make a decision, what matters?
A: Context (State/Conditions of environment, involved system(s) and decision-maker)

Q: If you do not really do addition operation, does 1+1 still becomes 2?
A: It is irrelevant.
(Does 1+1=2 imply any timeline?)

Q: If god made world, who made god?
A: World ;-)

Q: If you do not invent a concept, does it exist?
A: If nobody has invented it, then it does not exist in our knowledge domain.
(Do concepts exist in themselves?)

Q: If you do not discover a piece of land, does it exist?
A: If nobody has discovered it, then it does not exist in our knowledge domain.
(Are physical existance and logical existance different?)

Q: If you do not know Mia living in Sanfransisco, does she exist?
A: If you do not know it, then she does not exist in your knowledge domain.
(Sometime Q contains information which makes Q itself absurd.)


At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: If man made question, who made answer?

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Chetan Panchal said...

A: Another man. Though the answer will be again questioned by another man and so on...

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the chicken comes out of egg, who made egg?


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